Java Programming Language
What is Java ?
Java is a general-purpose computer-programming language developed in June 1991 by James Gosling a former computer scientist with Sun Microsystems.
Java programming is used to produce software for multiple platforms ( Windows, Linux, Mac OS , etc).Java derives much of its syntax from the C and C++ programming languages. There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have Java installed and more are created everyday.
James Gosling |
Why is it called Java?
In 1991, Sun Microsystems had a requirement, to prepare new programming language used to develop software for electronic devices like TV Switch boxes, Remote Controller, etc. Initially James Gosling named Java as Oak ( It is a tree name ),
Oak Tree |
but Sun Microsystems rejected Oak because already a programming language is existed with name Oak. Later it was renamed Java ( Java is coffee name and it is an island of Indonesia where Java Coffee plants were grown. ).
Why Java Programming ?
- Java is a platform independent, when a programmer writes a Java application, the complied code(known as bytecode) runs on most operating systems(OS), including Windows, Linux, Mac OS.
- Java is Simple programming language. If any programming language take
- Less Execution Time.
- Less Memory Utilisation.
- Less Power Consumption, then it is called simple programming language.
- Java is tight coded programming language means small length code.
In C |
In Java
- Java programming is Architectural Neutral.
- It is Object Oriented Programming language.
Where Java is Used ?
Java is the most popular language in today's world billion of devices running on a Java platform.
- Desktop GUI Application : GUI Applications like
- Scientific Application : Java supports to scientific application development, because of its security powerful, robustness features, much scientific application based on Java technology like MATLAB.
- Enterprise Application : Java is the most secure language that is a reason most of the Banking Applications developed on Java platform.
- Web Application : Java is used to develop web application also to support the java has provided JSP, Servlet, Structs, Spring, Hibernate.
- Mobile Application : A mobile application can easily developed with the help of Java. In today's world, every phone has android OS which is based on Java and we also have java mobile phones.
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